Safety at Pride

It’s more important than ever to go to Pride this year to show that we won’t be bullied back into the closet!

Christian nationalists, racists, and other reactionary forces think they can intimidate us, but they have no idea how strong we are. We have learned how to face bullies and we refuse to let them stop us from being our true, brilliant, strong selves.

When you go to Pride events this year, show up strong and ready. Here are a few tips for staying safe.

– Go with your people and stay with them. If you see protesters, do not wander off alone. Use the buddy system even if you’re just headed to the bathroom.

– Use your phone to videotape events. Talk to your friend who makes YouTube or TikTok videos and tell them they need to be at Pride. They might jump at the chance to record exciting content.

– If you see protestors, do not present a lone target. Melt into the crowd. There’s safety in numbers. If you stand out, you’re more likely to be picked on. Stay close to your queer friends and family.

– Do not confront protesters. Do not approach individual protesters and argue with them or yell at them. You can’t change their mind, and you risk triggering a violent response. Also, cameras are everywhere. You do not want to be presented as just one more screaming person in a “both sides” narrative, however unfair or inaccurate that narrative might be.

– Sing, chant, and link arms. Drown the protesters out. Chant, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.” Sing “This Little Light of Mine” or some other empowering folk song the crowd can easily sing with you.

– Do not commit violence. Even if you’re defending yourself, do not punch, kick, knock down, bite, spit on or otherwise assault any protester, no matter the provocation. Not only will you risk arrest and conviction, but you’ll encourage ridiculous “both sides were violent” statements.

– Use the same kinds of defense strategies taught to victims of domestic violence. If somebody attacks you and you can’t run, make yourself as small a target as you can by diving into a corner or onto the ground. Curl up into a tight ball with your face protected against the ground or wall, arms around each side of your head, fingers entwined. You will not look like a coward. You’ll keep your teeth and be at less risk of concussion. Cameras will see a person being violently assaulted by a neo-Nazi. This is what you want the cameras to see.

– Do not arm yourself. No matter what the laws are in your state, do not bring a gun, a knife, or any deadly weapon to Pride. Proud Boys and Patriot Front members often pack concealed pistols. If they see you brandishing a weapon, then an unpleasant afternoon might turn deadly. Bringing a gun to Pride puts you at more risk, not less risk. And the consequences will be terrible. If they start shooting, you can’t save the crowd from danger, no matter how skilled or heroic you are. The only thing a gun can do is kill people. So just don’t.

We can be tough and sensible, too. Remember, Pride is about love, acceptance, community, and caring!